The rights of the work

Legal rights

The sculpture “Megalithic Sculptured Head Decebal” is property of General Ștefan Gușă Foundation and the copyright on the work is held by Mrs. Daniela Veronica Gușă de Drăgan.

In accordance with the applicable legislation, the holder of the copyright has the exclusive right to exploit the work, authorize its reproduction, demand a payment for its exploitation by third parties or prohibit the use of the work. The use of the work without the consent or authorization of the copyright holder may constitute a criminal offense.

The authorization for use of the work is not mandatory in case the work is not the main subject of such reproduction, distribution or communication and it is not used for or in relation with commercial purposes; in such case, however, the users are bound to mention the source, the name of the copyright holder and the place where the original work is found.

If you wish to use the work for or in relation with commercial purposes, please request a commercial offer using the form below.

All amounts generated using the work will be donated to the General Ștefan Gușă Foundation and used to support the education of deserving young students from low-income families.

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